About Us

About ZAYA Technology Services, LLC: Bridging the Digital Divide in Northern Arizona

Empowering the World Through Technology

ZAYA Technology Services, LLC is a trailblazing IT managed service provider, deeply committed to serving the Northern Arizona and surrounding areas. Our roots run deep within the community, and our mission is clear: to address the technological needs of underserved regions, particularly those facing rural challenges. Our passion is, but not limited to, the Navajo Nation.

Our Story

A Proudly Navajo-Owned Business

Operating from Flagstaff, Arizona, ZAYA Technology Services (ZAYA Tech) is more than just a business—it’s a story of a Navajo boy with a dream to help his people . As a 100% Navajo-owned company, we understand the unique context, culture, and challenges faced by our community.

Bridging the Technological Gap

The digital divide is a stark reality for many Navajo businesses. Access to reliable internet, stable networks, and power infrastructure remains a pressing concern. ZAYA is on a relentless mission to bridge this gap. Here’s how:

Custom Solutions for Rural Conditions: We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, we tailor our services to the rugged terrain, remote locations, and unpredictable weather conditions of Northern Arizona. Whether it’s designing network layouts for rocky landscapes or ensuring backup power during outages, we adapt to the environment.
Network Stability Amidst Challenges: Our team understands that connectivity isn’t a luxury—it’s a lifeline. We optimize internet access, deploy redundancy measures, and create resilient networks. When storms rage or power lines falter, ZAYA ensures that communication remains intact.
Empowering Education and Beyond: Education is at the core of our efforts. During the pandemic, we supported schools like Little Singer Community School, enabling remote learning through robust networks. We believe in digital inclusion, empowering students, teachers, and lifelong learners.

Comprehensive Services

ZAYA offers a comprehensive suite of services:

IT Solutions: From cloud infrastructure to cybersecurity, we provide end-to-end IT solutions. Our expertise extends beyond technology—we focus on outcomes.

Web Design: A well-designed website is a powerful tool. ZAYA crafts visually appealing, user-friendly sites that convey your message effectively.
Hardware Procurement: We source reliable hardware, ensuring that your systems run smoothly even in challenging environments.
IT Support: Our responsive support team is here when you need us. Whether it’s troubleshooting or strategic planning, we’ve got your back.

Join Us in Building a Resilient Future

ZAYA Technology Services, LLC is more than a service provider; we’re community builders. As we navigate the digital landscape, we remain rooted in our commitment to the Navajo Nation. Let’s connect, innovate, and create a brighter, more connected future together.

For inquiries or consultations, reach out to us at